If you’re already familiar with Employee Attributes, then you know that you can use these Attributes to slice your employee feedback (survey responses, suggestions, etc.) in many ways. Attributes are also useful when selecting your survey audience when creating a survey. If you’re not utilizing Attributes fully yet, please read this Help Article on getting started.
Out of all your Attributes, you can select one as your “primary”.
Why do I need to set a Primary Attribute?
Many organizations want to use Attributes be able to slice and compare Limeade Listening data using multiple filtering categories. This often includes attributes such as geography, department, and other demographic categories such as ethnicity, gender, and tenure.
However, in order to maintain anonymity for anonymous surveys, Limeade Listening withholds displaying qualitative feedback (text responses) when slicing by these Attributes.
Limeade Listening allows you to select one of these Attributes to reveal qualitative feedback for when you utilize it. By restricting this visibility to just one Attribute, it prevents users from using the process of elimination to remove anonymity.
The simple answer to the question, "why should I set a Primary Attribute?" is so that you can see the qualitative feedback when narrowing down the results by the Attribute that you care most about as an organization, while still maintaining anonymity.
How do I set my Primary Attribute?
Go to Settings → Platform → Primary Attribute (or click here)
Step 1. Click “Select Primary Attribute”
Step 2: Select Attribute
Q: What if I don’t see the Attribute I want? What if I don’t see any at all?
A: This means that you haven’t fully established your Employee Attributes to begin with. You’ll want to do this first by going to the Attributes page. From there you can create Custom Attributes and the Values to go along with them.
Example: Custom Attribute: Committees
Values (the different committees):
Volunteer Committee
Party Planning Committee
External Events Committee
Once you’re comfortable with your Attributes, then you need to assign these to your employees. Learn how to here.
For customers who are used to using “Segments”
How does this differ from Segments? (For customers who have been with Limeade Listening for a while)
The short answer → It’s the same (in terms of functionality).
Segments were Limeade Listening’s original way of allowing you to narrow down results by a grouping (completely up to you what the grouping was). Typically, organizations would choose to group by office location or by department.
Why are Attributes replacing Segments? (For customers who have been with TINYpulse for a while)
Much cleaner and more structured way of grouping your employees.
More HRIS and system-friendly — Most organizations already store demographic information on their employees. By utilizing standard attributions, it’s easier for you to sync these to Limeade Listening, as opposed to having to manually manage your Limeade Listening specific “Segments”
More data — Segments limited you to one grouping of results. Attributes allows you multiple, while also providing a Primary Attribute as a way to keep the same functionality that Segments provided to you.
How does this actually change how I filter when reviewing results?
Instead of clicking from the Segment dropdown menu, you click the Attributes dropdown menu.
Your Primary Attribute (which acts as your Segment replacement) will display an icon next to it and will be listed at the top. Simply select that and you get the same drill down you received when selecting by Segments.
Survey Results Page
Suggestions Page
Whichever Attribute you choose as your "Primary Attribute" will be the filter on the Suggestions Page
Not to worry! Limeade Listening has converted your Segments to an Attribute.
While it’s recommended that you choose an Attribute such as Office Location or Department — so that it’s easier for upkeep in the future — you can still utilize Segments instead.
For the time being, you can still manage Segments from the Segments settings page. Eventually, that page will be retired and you'll manage your Segments purely as an Attribute, so you’ll manage that from the Attributes page.
What if I use an HRIS and it’s already set up to determine the Segments inside Limeade Listening?
If you are a larger organization with specific configurations mapping out your users to specific Segments, it’s best to keep that intact for now. This means you should select “Segment” as your Primary Attribute and it will operate the same way as you’re used to.