If your organization has Onboard, by default, your new hires will not be included in any all-company Pulse surveys until after they reach the 30-day mark. At that point, they will be eligible to participate in Pulse surveys.
Flexible surveys, on the other hand, can be delivered on any day at any time, so the default eligibility for new hires is Day 1.
You are more than welcome to change these at your discretion, which you can do from the Admin View > Settings > Platform page, and clicking on the Engage Survey Rules for New Hires tile.
Click on the Edit icon to make changes to the current/default settings.
From there, you may edit the default settings that new hires can start receiving either type of survey.
You may choose between Days or Weeks, in addition to a numerical value - 14 or 28 days, or 4 or 6 weeks, for some examples. Once you're done, click the green Save button to apply the changes.
Going forward, these rule changes will apply to any new hire that is added into your organization.
( ! ) Note: The updates you make to these rules will not apply retroactively, and will only apply to new hires added from that point on.
Want to know more about Onboard? Reach out to your Customer Success Manager!