Gain Insights from the Organization Health Report

The Organization Health report is a powerful tool to help you answer a simple question; How are we doing? This report pulls in data from every stage of the employee lifecycle, from all over Limeade Listening, to give administrators an aggregated view of the overall health of culture and engagement. Quickly pinpoint which groups are excelling and which need your focus and attention. This view will also tell you at a glance which stages of the employee lifecycle are doing great and which ones need to be leveled up like onboarding, engagement, and recognition.





The Organization Health report is available to all administrators in the Reports section. 


The administrator's level of access determines the view of the report. Here is a breakdown of what each permission level unlocks. 


  • Engage Super Admin and Admin: Engage and Cheers insights for the entire organization. 

  • Engage Segment Admin and Viewer: No access.

  • Onboard Admin: Onboard insights for the entire organization. 

  • Onboard Manager: No access. Stats can be viewed directly on the Onboard dashboard. 

  • Retention Admin: Retention insights for the entire organization. 


So to see the entire Organization Health report, one must have Engage Admin / Super Admin, Onboard Admin, and Retention Admin permissions. Any other combination of permissions will limit the view in order to keep sensitive data protected from.




Visit the Organization Health report periodically to know what needs your attention. Limeade Listening delivers so many insights across different levels of the employee lifecycle, and this report is the one place where you can see everything side by side, and broken down by segment. 


Here are a few things to keep an eye out for:


  • Start at the top of the page and to see how your company performs against the overall benchmark (the average across all organizations using Limeade Listening). Dig further into any areas where your average is below the benchmark.

  • Go through each category and scan through the rows. Boxes that score below your company's average appear red, those that score above the average are green, and all contain the % deviation from the company average. Red boxes should be investigated further. You can do this by clicking the header at the top of the column (Onboard, Engage, Cheers, or Retention). Also, feel free to use the green segments to learn from because they are clearly doing something right! 

  • Slice data by gender, performance, or tenure to view this report in a different way. A breakdown by Segment is the default view, but you can switch to three other views if they are more meaningful to you.


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