Getting 360 feedback using TINYpulse Coach makes a historically painful and tedious process easy! Coach employees, managers, and administrators can send requests to anyone from peers to managers, mentors, and even external clients or business partners to get performance insights for themselves or someone in their circle.
Send a request at any time to get timely feedback to facilitate those ever-important annual reviews and coaching and development discussions all throughout the year.
Depending on your permissions, feedback can be requested for yourself or others at your company. Here is how it works for each permission level.
Coach Administrators:
Full access to send feedback requests (anonymous or named) about any employee in the organization, one at a time or en masse.
This is particularly useful for HR departments to conduct 360 reviews for the entire company.
Coach Managers:
Get feedback on any of their direct reports (anonymous or named) from all employees.
Get feedback (named) about their own performance.
Manager driven feedback is a great way to find out how others perceive their employees, whether it be a confirmation of their performance or an opportunity to learn something new.
Coach Employees:
Get feedback (named) about their own performance.
Employees cannot request anonymous feedback about themselves or get feedback about any other employee.
Employees should submit feedback requests to clients, peers, or mentors to get candid feedback on their performance.
Question types
When requesting 360 Feedback, you can use the default Keep, Stop, Start template, ask your own custom questions, or select a saved template. The defaultKeep, Stop, Start template has three questions and cannot be modified.
What are two things they should keep doing?
What are two things they should stop doing?
What are two things they should start doing?
If you would like to use the custom question option, you can ask 1-5 point scale questions with or without an additional text box, and questions using open text format. All questions require a response by default, but you can flip the toggle beside the question in the request to make it optional.
Saved templates are a great way to standardize reviews across the organization! Head on over to this article to learn more.
Request 360 feedback
Get feedback for yourself
If you are an individual contributor or a conscientious leader, request feedback about your own performance at any time. Please note that unless you are a Coach Admin, you are not able to request anonymous feedback about yourself. In addition, while Admins are able to request anonymous feedback about themselves, they are not able to request anonymous feedback about themselves from themselves.
Log in and go to the 360 module using the left side navigation.
Select Request Feedback.
Enter a title for your request like "2018 Annual Review" or "Marketing Campaign Post-Launch Review".
Enter your own email address in the Request feedback for field.
Enter as many email addresses as you would like in the Send request to field. These are the people who will give you 360 feedback.
Choose a Feedback cycle.
Add an Optional note.
Click Next.
Decide which questions to use, the default Keep / Stop / Start template or up to 20 of your own custom questions.
Click Next.
Review and/or preview your survey.
Click Save if everything looks good.
Once requests are sent, the recipients get an email in their inbox asking for their feedback. You will also be notified by email once feedback is returned so you can just hang tight while recipients compose their responses.
Get feedback for an employee
Managers and administrators can send requests for 360 feedback about employees to get additional insights into their performance, including self-assessments. And you can even get feedback for multiple employees or an entire team at once. Refer to the list at the top of this section for the exact guidelines on who you can get feedback for.
Log in and go to the 360 module using the left side navigation.
Select Request Feedback.
Enter a title for your request like "2018 Annual Review - Tony Riley" or "Marketing Campaign Post-Launch Review".
Enter the email address(es) of the employee(s) in the Request feedback for field. You can use this request to get feedback for one or many employees.
Enter as many email addresses as you would like in the Send request to field. These are the people who will give you 360 feedback. Add the email address of the same person you are getting feedback for if you would like them to complete a self-assessment.
Select the Request anonymous feedback checkbox if you want responders to give feedback anonymously. You must send the request to five or more recipients not including yourself in order to use this option.
- Choose a Feedback cycle.
- Add an Optional note.
- Click Next.
- Decide which questions to use, the default Keep / Stop / Start template or up to 20 of your own custom questions.
- Click Next.
- Review and/or preview your survey.
- Click Save if everything looks good.
Add a recipient to a request
If you forget to add someone to the original recipient list to give feedback, no problem! Just click the + icon on the request and you can add as many new recipients as you would like by entering their email addresses. Note that you can only add people to requests that were sent less than 30 days prior to ensure feedback is fair and timely.
Send reminders
If you find yourself waiting for people to submit their 360 Feedback and want to send a gentle reminder, just click the Nudge button beside any piece of feedback that is still pending responses. Those who have not responded yet will immediately get an email sent to their inbox reminding them about this request.
Export feedback
Feedback is returned to the requestor's 360 inbox in Coach once responses have been submitted. To share it with anyone else (like your manager or the employee if an admin or manager made the request), export feedback to CSV format to discuss in a 1:1 conversation.
Open the 360 feedback item and you will see an Export button that downloads all responses in the initiative to one CSV file which can be opened in Excel, Google Sheets, etc.