Self-Serve User Upload Tool via CSV

The Limeade Listening user upload serves two purposes. You can use it to add new users to Limeade Listening, and you can also use it to perform bulk updates of all your users. 

This guide will take you through all the steps to properly add or update your Limeade Listening users directly from our CSV user upload tool. The good news is that you do not need to create a template to perform a user upload – we have provided one for you in Limeade Listening! 

*Limeade Listening is formerly known as TINYpulse.


Accepted Columns

Before we start describing how the tool functions, there are some specifics about what data you can update from this tool.

Mandatory Fields – These are the only required fields you must fill in properly to add a new user to Limeade Listening. We strongly encourage you to fill out as many other fields as possible.

  • EmailThis is the email address where your employees will receive all Limeade Listening emails, and it will be what they use to log in to Limeade Listening. 
  • First_name: The user’s first name (50-character limit). 
  • Last_name: The user’s last name (50-character limit). 
  • Status: The only accepted statuses in our system are Active or Deactivated.

Optional Fields – The rest of the fields below are optional. Again, we encourage you to fill in as many fields as possible, but it is entirely up to you and the needs of your organization.

  • Position_title: The user’s position in your organization. 
  • Manager_email: The user’s manager. This field must be in a proper email format to be accepted. The manager hierarchy must also be valid. (For example, you can’t have two employees who are both managers of each other.)
  • Engage_role: This determines a user's Engage permission level. Accepted values are: Super Admin, AdminGroup AdminGroup Viewer, or Employee. If a role is not assigned (the field is left blank) the user will be set as an Employee automatically. 
    • Assigned_groups (Specific to Engage only): If a user is set as an Engage Group Admin or Group Viewer, they will need to be assigned to specific Saved Groups. You can assign a user to as many groups as you would like, separated by commas. (Semi-colons or other separators will cause an error.) You can create the groups from this tool and configure them in the Saved Groups page. The character limit is 150 characters per group
  • Coach_role: If you have access to Limeade Listening Coach, this field will help you assign which employees should be given access to Coach and their permission level. Accepted values are: Admin, Manager, Employee, and No Access. If a field is left blank, Limeade Listening will default to "No Access" and not add the user to Coach. 
  • Onboard_role: If you have access to Limeade Listening Onboard, this field will help you assign which employees should be sent to the Onboarding flow and their permission level. Accepted values are: Admin, Manager, Employee, and No Access. If a field is left blank, Limeade Listening will default to "No Access" and not add the user to Onboard.
  • Start_date: This is the date that this employee started working at your organization. This field is used to populate the Tenure attribute. Tenure will be calculated automatically from the start date. 
           ( ! ) NOTE: The only accepted format for this field is  MM/DD/YYYY . Any other format will cause an error or invalid data 
  • Send_invite_atThis is the time and the date that you would like the new employee to receive their Limeade Listening invitation email. Please use MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS format for this field (e.g. 10/21/2017 17:00:00). If this field is left blank the employee will receive their invitation immediately
           ( ! ) NOTEThe send invite date and time must be after your organization launches Limeade Listening. 
  • Birth_date: This is the birthdate of the employee. Birth Date appears in the Employee's profile in User Management, but there is no reporting available. This value is not currently being used anywhere in Limeade Listening, but stay tuned in the future for specific birthday related features.
           ( ! ) NOTE: The only accepted format for this field is  MM/DD/YYYY . Any other format will cause an error or invalid data 
  • LocaleThis is the Limeade Listening localization language for your employee. For more information on this feature, check out this help doc. Extra fees may apply. Please reach out to your customer success representative to ask about Limeade Listening language options.
  • Phone_number: Phone numbers are used for SMS Surveys and Cheers notifications only. SMS notification functionality can be turned on by reaching out to your customer success representative; there may be a fee involved.
    - Phone numbers must be between 8-14 characters (depending on your geographic location).
    - Accepted phone number formatting: +18579980209 or 18579980209 only.
    - Invalid phone number formatting: +1 (857) 998-0209 or 857-998-0209 or any other format.
  • Time_zone: This is the specific user time zone of the employee. If you have employees spread out over different time zones, and you would like them to receive their surveys according to their user time zone you should enter in a value for this field. Reach out to your customer success representative to have the survey sent by user time zone functionality turned on for your organization. 
  • GenderGender is a system level employee attribute that can be used for sending targeted surveys and slicing data in Limeade Listening. We have no default values for this field - any value that you put for this column will be generated automatically. You can also manually create the values from the attributes page in Limeade Listening. 
  • DepartmentDepartment is a system level employee attribute that can be used for sending targeted surveys and slicing data in Limeade Listening. We have no default values for this field - any value that you put for this column will be generated automatically. You can also manually create the values from the attributes page in Limeade Listening. 
  • Office_locationOffice Location is a system level employee attribute that can be used for sending targeted surveys and slicing data in Limeade Listening. We have no default values for this field - any value that you put for this column will be generated automatically. You can also manually create the values from the attributes page in Limeade Listening. 
  • Employee_typeEmployee Type is a system level employee attribute that can be used for sending targeted surveys and slicing data in Limeade Listening. We have no default values for this field - any value that you put for this column will be generated automatically. You can also manually create the values from the attributes page in Limeade Listening. 
  • Management_levelManagement Level is a system level employee attribute that can be used for sending targeted surveys and slicing data in Limeade Listening. We have no default values for this field - any value that you put for this column will be generated automatically. You can also manually create the values from the attributes page in Limeade Listening.
  • EthnicityEthnicity is a system level employee attribute that can be used for sending targeted surveys and slicing data in Limeade Listening. We have no default values for this field - any value that you put for this column will be generated automatically. You can also manually create the values from the attributes page in Limeade Listening. 
  • SegmentSegment is a system level employee attribute that can be used for sending targeted surveys and slicing data in Limeade Listening. We have no default values for this field - any value that you put for this column will be generated automatically. You can also manually create the values from the attributes page in Limeade Listening. Note: Segments are typically used by legacy Limeade Listening customers for Department or Office Location. Limeade Listening recommends leveraging the Department or Office Location fields for reporting.
  • Custom Attributes: If you have created any custom attribute from the attributes page they will be displayed as the last columns in the user download file. Any value that you put for this column will be generated automatically. You can also manually create the values from the attributes page in Limeade Listening.

These are all the currently supported data fields you can upload from this tool. It seems like a lot, but please keep in mind that nearly all of these fields are optional! Email, First & Last Name and Status are the only required fields to add new users to Limeade Listening. It’s a good idea, though, to fill in as much employee data as possible to get the most out of your Limeade Listening experience.

Steps to Add or Update Your Limeade Listening User List

Now that you are aware of the specific data you can update from this tool, it’s time to examine how to actually run a user upload. 

Step 1:  Navigate to the User Management page, and click on the “User Upload” button.

In this step, you are encouraged to download your current Limeade Listening user list. This download file will be your template for uploading later. If you already have Limeade Listening user data in the system, this will be included in the downloaded template. 

Once you have the file downloaded, make all of your updates right in the file. When you come back to the tool in the future you can skip this step, as you will already have your file correctly formatted and ready to go.

Step 2:  Upload your updated user CSV file.

In this step, you can drag and drop the CSV upload file directly into the tool. You can also manually select the file from your computer by clicking on the “choose a file here” text. Make sure your file is using the correct template provided in step 1 and is in CSV format. When you have the file ready, click Next to begin processing the file upload.

Step 3:  Process the file upload and verify the uploaded data.

Once the processing has completed, you will be presented with a list of rows that contain errors, warnings, and rows that have no issues: 

  • Errors happen when there is an issue that will cause the entire column or row to fail for a specific user. 
  • Warnings are when there is an issue, but the upload of that row/column will proceed anyways. 
  • Error-free rows contain no issues and will be uploaded as-is. 

Sometimes the list of issues can be long! In such cases, it might be best to export the errors and fix them one by one. To do this, click on the “Show details” text to find the link to export and download the full list of errors and warnings. 

Scroll down to the bottom of this document to get more information about all the possible issues that could occur in an upload file.

At this point in the process, no Limeade Listening data has been updated, and it is up to you to decide if you would like to proceed with the upload or go back, fix the issues, and re-upload. When you are ready to proceed with the upload, click the green Upload button.

Step 4:  Congratulations, your data has been updated successfully! 

If there were any errors in the upload they will be displayed here. You can export a list of all the errors to view in detail which rows/columns had issues and couldn’t be updated.

Errors and Warnings

This section will describe in detail all the possible errors and warnings that can happen in your upload file. Read through this carefully to understand what to avoid when updating your user upload file. 

emailEmail value is in an invalid formatEntire row for this user will be skipped in the upload
emailEmail value is blankEntire row for this user will be skipped in the upload
emailEmail value matches another email value in a different rowAll duplicated email rows will be skipped in the upload
first_namefirst_name value exceeds character limitText is truncated, column will still be uploaded
last_namelast_name value exceeds character limitText is truncated, column will still be uploaded
first_name & last_namefirst_name & last_name values are blankEmail will be assigned as the user’s first_name, column will still be uploaded
statusstatus value is not “Active” or “Deactivated” (case insensitive)Status will be assigned as “Active for this user, column will still be uploaded
statusstatus value is emptyStatus will be assigned as “Active for this user, column will still be uploaded
position_titleposition_title value exceeds character limit*
*Check code for current character limit
Text is truncated, column will still be uploaded
manager_emailmanager_email value is in an invalid formatmanager_email column will be skipped in the upload for this user
manager_emailmanager_email does not match a user in the systemmanager_email column will be skipped in the upload for this user
manager_emailmanager hierarchy is invalidmanager_email column will be skipped in the upload for this user
engage_roleengage_role value doesn’t match a valid engage roleUser will be assigned as an employee, column will still be uploaded
onboard_roleonboard_role value doesn’t match a valid Onboard role
  • If new user = assign user as “No Access”. 
  • If existing user = Keep same role. 
coach_rolecoach_role value doesn’t match a valid Coach role
  • If new user = assign user as “No Access”. 
  • If existing user = Keep same role.
assigned_groupsUser has assigned_groups value but is not Group Admin or Group Viewer roleassigned_groups column will be skipped in the upload for this user
assigned_groupsassigned_groups value exceeds character limit (150 characters)Text is truncated, column will still be uploaded
start_datestart_date value is in an invalid formatstart_date column will be skipped in the upload for this user
send_invite_atsend_invite_at value is in an invalid formatSend_invite_at column will be skipped in the upload for this user. TINYpulse Invitation email will be sent immediately.
send_invite_atsend_invite_at value is a date in the pastSend_invite_at column will be skipped in the upload for this user. TINYpulse Invitation email will be sent immediately.
send_invite_atsend_invite_at value is before launchSend_invite_at column will be skipped in the upload for this user. TINYpulse Invitation email will be sent at launch.
birth_datebirth_date value is in an invalid formatbirth_date column will be skipped in the upload for this user
phone_numberphone_number value is in an invalid formatphone_number column will be skipped in the upload for this user
phone_numberphone_number value exceeds character limit (14 characters)phone_number column will be skipped in the upload for this user
time_zonetime_zone value is not an accepted time zonetime_zone will be skipped in the upload for this user
localeLocale is not an accepted valuelocale will be skipped in the upload for this user

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